
(will be here soon)

Maple Shade Youth Basketball

"Love The Game"

About Us:

1 - For the protection of the children...All Board members and Coaches are required to pass a background check that cross references their name and fingerprints with the FBI and the NJ State Police.

2 - We work in conjunction with the Maple Shade High School Basketball coaches to help prepare the players for High School ball.

3 - We accommodate players that are new and just want a fun and safe place to learn and play the game.

Maple Shade Youth Basketball is back for another fun-filled season. Players of all skill levels will enjoy a great basketball experience. The season begins with a focus on learning and improving fundamental skills. As players develop they are introduced to team offensive and defensive styles. Advanced concepts such as low post offense and pick and rolls are also learned primarily in the older groups. When players become more confident they play inter squad full court games. All positions are played by everyone regardless of size or skill level. Emphasis is always on having fun and playing a great sport. League fees are very affordable and no fundraisers are required. All of this to achieve the leagues ultimate goal- giving the kids a chance to learn to Love the Game!

Board Members:

President: Mike Rapanotti 609-792-5479

Vice President:  Michele Parrish

Treasurer:  Eric Rivera

Travel Team: Mike Bancroft

Commissioner:  Jon Waldvogel